photo of coffee with chocolate crown on and slice of victoria sponge cake in jersey pearl

The King’s favourite cake!

On Monday the 15th of July King Charles III and Queen Camilla will be visiting Jersey and it’s the first time a ruling monarch has visited the Island since 2005!

To mark this special occasion our Pearl Café are serving up the King and Queen’s favourite Fruit Cake and Victoria Sponge Cake alongside pots of British and Darjeeling tea! Buy a slice of royal cake and a cup of tea for £6 per person!

A Royal must-try that can be enjoyed on our wonderful sun terrace with sea views. How regal!

The King and Queen’s favourite cakes will be available from 8-15th of July at Jersey Pearl St Ouen. Find us here.

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You can arrive anytime from 9:30am and stay as long as you like until 5pm! Enter your Email address below and we will be in touch with directions and confirm your £5 off jewellery in-store.. We look forward to seeing you soon!

Please note: Akoya Pick-a-Pearl must be booked separately on our Your Visit page.

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